Saturday, July 5, 2008

Sex and the Single Woman - Facing sexuality after breast surgery

Is breast reconstruction a must for the single woman?
Many single women feel they do not really have a choice as to whether or not they have reconstructive surgery. Many feel that it is a “must”. I encourage you to take your time in making this decision. You can have reconstructive surgery done at any point in your life, but you can’t completely undo it once it’s done. You may want to seek counseling or bring the issue up at a support group to help you sort this out. Listening to the experiences of other women is often the best information you can have.

Sex and the Elderly Woman
A woman’s age can make a difference in how she and her partner cope with sexuality and the loss of her breast. Many older women were taught from a young age that sex is a private matter that should not be discussed. As well, older women may have physical conditions not related to their breast surgery that have already forced them to change or limit their sexuality. Chronic pain, joint problems, heart conditions, fatigue, and many other health problems may affect how older women approach sex.

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